
Searching for Events

Inngest's Engine matches trillions of events everyday, powering features such as Cancellation, Concurrency and Batching keys.

The Inngest Platform provides an Event Search feature to help you navigate through all your events.

This feature is currently in private beta. Please reach out to us to join the Beta program.

You can access the Event Search from the Events page:

The Event Search is accessible via the second tab of the Events page. It features a search bar and its associated button at the top.

Writing an Event Search query

The Event Search relies on a CEL expression, already used in the Inngest SDK to match events when "waiting for events" or writing a custom concurrency key.

Considering the following "billing/payment.failed" events list:

The "billing/payment.failed" is composed of three data attributes: "billingPlan", "paymentId", and "reason". We will use the event name and billingPlan attributes to narrow down Enterprise payment failures.

Let's narrow down events of failed Enterprise payments using the == 'billing/payment.failed' && == 'Enterprise' query:

We enter the query in the search bar and click on the associated "search" button. A list of matching events is now displayed below the search bar.

Searching events tips

  • The search only returns events from the last 3 days
  • The query is case sensitive
  • Logical operators are written using && and ||, not words
  • String values should be provided with single quotes, ex: == 'billing/payment.failed'